Friday, November 27, 2009

Tirthas and Adhyakshas in the Mauryan Administration

Tirthas and Adhyakshas in the Mauryan Administration

(III) Senapatr - omman er-m-c e .
(ix) Kunyadhyaksha - Officer of the forest matters
(iv) Yuvaraj - Officials belonging to the royal family
(x) Ayudhadhyaksha - Officer of weapon manufacturing and
(v) Pratihara or Dauwarika - Gatekeeper of the royal palace,
eceep en king s co~rt and frontie~ .checkpost.
(xi) Pautavadhyaksha - Officer for weights and measurement
(vi) Antaravedlka or Antaryamrsika - Head of the harem-guards
(xii) Milnadhyaksha - Officer of time and place determining
(vii) Samaharta - Collector of revenue department
(viii) Sannidhata - Head of treasury
(xiii) Shulkadhyaksha - Officer of the department relating to
(ix) Prashasti - Head of prisons royal income, punishment, etc.
(x) Pradestri - Equivalent to modern day comnussiOner
(xiv) Sutradhyaksha - Officer of the textile department
(xi) Nayaka - Head of the city security
(xv) Sitadhyaksha - Manager of the royal fanning
(xii) Paur - Kotwal of city
(xvi) Suradhyaksha - Officer of the custom department
(xiii) Vyabaharika - Chief judge
(xvii) Sunadhyaksha - Officer of the slaughter-house
(xiv) Knrmantika - Head of industries and factories
(xviii)Mudradhyaksha - Officer of the royal symbol, coin and
(xv) Milntriparishad adhyaksha - Head of the council of min- passport department
(xix) Vivitadhyaksha - Officer of the pastureland
(xvi) Dandapala - Head of police and disciplinary department -
(xx) Dyutadhyaksha - Officer of the gambling department
(xvii) Durgapala - Head of the royal fort
(xxi) Bandhanagaradhyaksha - Officer of the prison department
(xviiiJAnnapala - Head of the department of protection and
(xxii) Navadhyaksha - Inspector of animal husbandry production of grains. (xxiii)Naukadhyaksha - Officer of the shipping department Of these tirthas, the posts of mantrin, purohita, senapati and
(xxiv)Pattanadyaksha - Officer of the ports
yuvaraja were very important.
(xxv) Ganikadhyaksha - Officer of the brothels 29 Adhyakshas (xxvi)Sansthadhyaksha - Manager of the trad~
(i) Koshadhyaksha - Treasury officer
(xxvii) Sainya Vibhagadhyaksha - Officers of infantry, cavalry,
(ii) Akaradhyaksha - Mining officer elephants, and chariot departments..
(iii) Lauhadhyaksha - Metallurgy officer
(~ii) Devatadhyaksha - Officer ~f the religtous mstitutions
(iv) Lakshanadhyaksha - Officer of the coin-minting
(xxlx)Gaudhyaksha - Officer of arumal husbandry

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