Friday, November 27, 2009



Megasthenese writes that people were very honest and that their moral standard was very high. They were happy and led a simple life. The standard of living was also very high as the state had become prosperous due to good admin­istration and increase in trade. They enjoyed meals of different kinds and used gold and silver ornaments as well.

The caste system had become very rigid. To change one's caste was almost impossible. According to. Megasthenese, Indian society comprised of seven castes or classes. This idea of Indian society is not wholly correct as the division was based on occupation and not on caste. In the reign of Asoka, the caste system had become somewhat loose and lost its strictness. The position of women had also undergone a change. Though they were respected they had to face discrimination. Purdah system was not known but the practice of sati had commenced, though only in rare cases. Polygamy was prevalent among the royal family members. Further, Megasthenese writes that the slave sys­tem was not known. But some historians do not agree with Megasthenese on this point: they say that slavery was present in India but it differed in form and nature from that in Greece, Rome, etc. The Arthashastra mentions that slaves were employed in agriculture.

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